Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Divinity Is Not a Dictator

A friend recently said to me about a situation she was observing, "How can Divinity allow that?"

Out of my mouth came the words, "Divinity is not a dictator."

You are a human being and you have freedom of choice. (If you're an alien and you read, please leave a comment letting me know you're out there! I don't want to exclude anyone!) Divinity is not your dictator. I do believe that Divinity is your ally, if you choose. The implications are vast, once you start thinking about them.

I guess dictators, like everyone else, have a spark of Divinity in them.

And... if they want that spark to grow, so that they could become more like Divinity, which allows every human his or her freedom of choice, dictators of all stripes would have to become less dictatorial.

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