Saturday, July 30, 2011

More Reasons to Consciously Inhabit Your Body

What we resist, persists. Resist the reality of your body and you will succeed in turning what could be the friendly ongoing handshake between soul and body into a rigidified grip.

Even more self-damaging is the idea that being non-physical is somehow more holy or evolved than being physical. Holiness and evolution are the result of our choices. It’s possible to make holy choices while functioning in a physical state, and unholy, desecrating-of-self choices while functioning in a physical state. Choosing holiness does not ultimately depend on whether you are embodied or not. 

Confusion and misunderstanding also prompt attempts to leave behind the physical state. We note that physical objects and bodies have boundaries, so we think that physical objects and bodies are limited. Naturally, we then want to leave our "prison."

I don't think boundaries and limits are the same thing. All boundaries can shift and change, without limits.

In human religious traditions, when the boundaries of physicality change quickly, it is called a miracle.

Miracles demonstrate that physicality is capable and willing of co-operation with us. In fact, physicality basically does so on an ongoing basis, whether it's moving slowly or quickly. The co-operation between you and physicality is allowing you to read this post—your body is actively co-operating with your soul to keep you on this planet, currently in front of your computer.

Co-operation comes into its full power when both sides are co-operating. The body is always ready; we human souls, as already discussed, are often trying to escape our bodies. So our experience of co-operation is also often less than satisfactory. This situation can be changed if we decide to change it.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Why Do You Get Out of Your Body?

As far as I can tell, even though humans have physical bodies and live on a physical planet, our consciousness is largely at war with that fact.

Several of our religions promote the after-life as the really superior experience. 

Millions of us are addicted to alcohol, drugs, food, "love," work, shopping... anything we can find that gives us a sense of escape from our situation.

A number of spiritually oriented people I’ve met get excited about being out of their body, going beyond the body, etc. They want to experience freedom from bodily and physical limitations. 

From my perspective, believing in or doing any of the above weakens the vitality and resilience of humans. 

Religion that emphasizes the after-life doesn't give you the information and skills you need to create a superior experience right here and now.

Addictions deliver a series of temporary highs that give us glimpses of our potential. However, the price we pay for this method of self-study and growth is much higher than those highs.

And my question for those who seek freedom from bodily and physical limitations is,"How limited is the body, really?"

The truth is, we don't know.

Let's say your society tells you you can only put ORANGE paint on a canvas.  You, however, love BLUE paint. It's understandable that you might come to the conclusion that you need to go "off canvas" if you want to make a BLUE  painting. Of course, we all know that it's possible to put either or both colors on a canvas. And at this point in our history, when it comes to the possibilities inherent in our bodies and in physical experience in general, we are at the "you can only put ORANGE paint on the canvas stage."

I invite you to throw off a few cultural shackles today. What would it be like to accept and explore your body and physical world without demeaning it, without asking it to be anything other than how you experience it at the moment, without trying to move beyond it? That's a first step towards what I would consider true freedom.

A second step is to consider what could happen to change your life for the better if you infused your physical body and possessions with love and respect?