Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Nothing Is Happening


The word "nothing" is really just a figure of speech. If absolutely nothing were happening, you and the planet would no longer exist.

When it comes to communing with natural/physical/biological intelligence, usually when we think nothing is happening, all it means is that we've put our attention in the wrong place, our attention isn't precise enough, or something either more subtle or more wildly different than we're used to is going on.

Note that even when something really big or major is going on, if it's different enough, we can miss it. 

Our paradigms hugely influence what we are able to perceive.

Be prepared for nothing... by eliminating nothing! Notice to where your mind wanders. Notice changes in your posture. Notice subtle shifts in the way you feel. Any of these things might be related to doing a dialogue with natural/physical/biological intelligence... or not!

The only way you'll find out what is what is by noting everything (instead of mentally asserting the concept of "nothing," mentally assert the concept of "noting")  and then over the coming minutes hours, days, or weeks, notice what occurs to you, what insights or thoughts come to you, about what you have noted.

Here's a music video I found quite powerful, for a song called "Nothing" by a band called A. I can't embed it, because embedding has been "disabled by request."

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