Wednesday, April 18, 2012


It is 3 or 4 am, and I am awake.

I decide to take advantage of the time by forgiving myself.

Forgiving myself and freeing and releasing myself from those current connections in my life where I sense potential aggression towards me.

I see a few individuals in my mind's eye, and forgive myself for my involvement with them.

Then I turn my inner eye on myself.

To my astonishment, I see myself shackled, manacled, blindfolded. I am seeing that I am a captive. The captive is a sitting duck for those who like being on the perpetrating side of capture.

I forgive myself.

I tell my natural/physical/biological intelligence to reorganize me, so that the captive becomes instead the human being who claims her space, who is competent and able to live free.

Nature goes to work immediately. I am grateful. Eventually the captive me will be replaced by the free me.

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