Saturday, August 27, 2011

Nature's Love and Respect—Why It's Real to Me

Nature's version of love and respect is what you might call "tough love" and "tough respect." Life on Earth thrives within a certain set of parameters.

Those willing to force others outside the parameters set by Nature intelligence can gain power. For a simple example, it is possible to tie somebody up and refuse them water. Despite the injustice of the situation, the majority of people treated this way will die. Nature hasn't stopped loving and respecting the person who's treated this way, however.

Nature intelligence, left to its own devices, does not function like power-hungry humans. It does not deny any life form for the purpose of manipulation and control. Nature as a whole does what it does to maintain itself, and every life form, left to its own devices, adjusts its behaviors to thrive within Nature's ever-shifting wholeness.

I believe that over time, perverted use of the will in humans or other free-willed beings, meaning use of the will against the freedom of others, will undermine the bodies of those who practice such things. Divine will is inclusive of all. Ultimately Nature intelligence is an expression of Divine will. Those who do not reflect Divine will by being inclusive of all, cannot ultimately thrive.

You are part of the all, and therefore Nature intelligence includes you. Its love and respect is present in every breath of air you take, every drop of water you drink, every presence of Earth that supports your one footfall after another, every dynamic life process that provides you with food and shelter—and the list could go on.

Natural "disasters" (if they are not a result of weather engineering or the HAARP "earthquake machine") I view as occurrences that take place from time to time to maintain overall planetary balance. If we were as focused on developing our communication and co-operation with Nature intelligence as we are on creating weapons of destruction, we could rapidly evolve to a state in which those earthquakes and weather events needed to maintain planetary balance could be planned and co-operatively managed between humans and natural/physical/biological intelligence.

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