Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Truth and Addiction

Addiction can serve many functions in our lives.

One of its roots is the attempt to escape our own experience.

We attempt to escape our own experience when we don't have the skills to handle our experience well.

Some experiences require us to have a very high level of skill before we can handle them well.

So if you're addicted (and a lot of us are), I hope you'll give yourself a break—stop worrying about how bad you are and start realizing that if you really want to move past addiction, you have major learning ahead of you.

Learning to handle our real experiences in ways that really empower us takes time, effort, and the willingness to move forward by trial and error. When we're truly empowered, quitting will mostly take care of itself. 

When I searched "smoking" on, I found this video. This young woman mesmerized me—her expression of what's tough for so many of us is raw and uncensored...

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