Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Turn Addiction Into Creativity

When we're addicted to something, whatever it is that we're addicted to is labelled "addictive." 

We're less likely to notice how we have manipulated the physical/natural/biological world to create something that is able to give us an addictive experience.

Since Nature intelligence respects our choices, it is possible for us to turn all kinds of plants, substances, places, and experiences into addictions.

When we do this, we oppress ourselves, and we oppress natural/physical/biological intelligence.

Natural/physical/biological intelligence is on the side of life, and left to its own devices, will always support the flourishing of life. 
Natural/physical/biological intelligence would rather not be forced into an addictive structure, because addictive structures don't support the flourishing of life.

Here's a dialogue you can do with natural/physical/biological intelligence to move towards transformation of addiction and turn your compulsions into creative self-empowerment.


1. Bring your attention to your breathing until you are able to feel the pleasure in breathing.

2. Now bring your imagination to whatever it is you're addicted to, keep breathing, and let yourself feel the feelings that come up for you around this substance or activity.

3. Then state, "Nature, I give you 100 percent permission to show me, vividly and clearly, how [name the substance or activity] wants to interact with me for our mutual creative empowerment."

4. Sit quietly, without making mental expectations or assumptions. Something (images, words, smells, sensations) may come to you now, or they may occur to you later, You might have a dream about the issue, or a synchronicity event might bring you information. If you're like me, you might have your aha! moment while showering, washing dishes, or just walking along.

5. When you feel complete with the process outlined in Steps 1 through 4, say thank you to natural/physical/biological intelligence, and thank you to your addiction for what it has to teach you. Also thank the addictive substance or activity for its willingness to share its wisdom with you.

6. Repeat this dialogue as often as needed to attain full resolution for yourself. You'll know you're on your way when you start receiving more and stronger creative inspirations—and you are more capable of acting on them than you were in the past.

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