Saturday, September 3, 2011

Partnership with Nature—The Promise of Joy

Imagine a world in which we partnered with Nature's intelligence.

Our bodies would be well-nourished and healthy. 

As a result, living our life purposes would become much easier to accomplish.

Our creativity, and therefore our culture's institutions and infrastructure, would reflect Nature's intelligence. Precision and spontaneous responsiveness would exist in balance with one another. Order would not be rigid and hierarchical, but rather, beautiful and organic. Exuberant variety and originality would fit in seamlessly with the whole.

Our relationship, family, and community structures would reflect ecosystems, in which diverse beings live life woven into a network of mutual support. The group would acknowledge the value that every person's uniqueness brings to the network, and every person would feel that their authentic contributions are of tremendous value to the group.

Marketing and salesmanship as ways of life could cease. The emphasis would not be on convincing others that you have something of value to offer. The social emphasis would be on assisting you to become your most authentic self, so that the full depth and breadth of your contribution could be made available to all.

This video discusses the advances being made in our partnership with Nature intelligence in the scientific field. 

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