Saturday, September 17, 2011

Yin Attitude

To be successful, dialoguing with natural/physical/biological intelligence requires what might be called a "yin" attitude. Receptive, open, a willingness to learn.

Most meditation practices are quite different than dialoguing with natural/physical/biological intelligence.

When you dialogue with Nature intelligence, you don't visualize energy going anywhere, as in many Taoist and Tantric practices. Neither do you try to do anything in particular with your mind, other than to listen to your soul's partner in the life enterprise, namely natural/biological/physical intelligence. In dialoguing with Nature intelligence, you decide what it is you want to have happen in your body and/or your consciousness, and you let Nature intelligence provide the how by which it happens.

In this exploration, there are techniques, but no hard and fast formulations as to how things work.

When we tell Nature what it is we want to accomplish, images and words may come to our awareness. Nature's images usually combine instruction, customization to your life history and needs, great liveliness, density and multi-layering of meaning, and often humor... all at once! The quality with which natural/physical/biological intelligence "speaks" is unmistakeable, and distinct from the qualities of human-initiated communication or art-making.

When Nature intelligence is allowed free play, your life energy might—and in my life, often does—move and reorganize the body in complex, organic, subtle, never-repeated patterns. 

To get the most out of a dialogue with Nature intelligence, it's important to set aside all preconceptions, even ideas that you carry from holistic and spiritual traditions. While all traditions of knowledge, whether they be western, eastern, northern, southern, holistic, analytic, meditative, goal-oriented, spiritual/religious, or atheist/agnostic carry truth about Nature intelligence, no tradition carries the whole truth about Nature intelligence. That whole truth can only be supplied by natural/physical/biological intelligence itself and communicated to us in bits and pieces as we expand our receptivity.

It's my view that the combination of beauty, fluidity, and power you can see in motion in this video comes from an attitude of receptivity to and creative/collaborative partnership between the human soul and natural/physical/biological intelligence. 

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